UniFeeder automatic feeder for piglets
Itemnumber: 1212-1200
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  • Farmers experience:

    - Farmer with 2100 sows has used Unifeeder now in 2 years has 450 units.:
    - He don’t move many pigs around between sows anymore
    - Support gut health
    - No injection of iron
    - No problems with damages of needles holes
    - Sow are now having 6 farrowing – before 4 – this means a lot – the sow have no problems in having more farrowing as they are in better conditions with weaning and give a better heat and one more piglet in next farrowing
    - Easy to manages pig in farrowing house
    - 500 g to 900 g more on pigs when weaning – and they look better and more uniform
    - Sow has 2 extra farrowing – earn € 41 per sow per extra farrowing
    - DLG Feed mill – one of the biggest in Europe are selling the Unifeeder for us and ACO Funki to
    - Easy to operate
    - No milk system – no cleaning of the feeder only dry feed using
    - Better economic


    UniFeeder is easy to operate – the feed curve is embedded as a fixed default in relation to the content of the pre-starter mix and compared to a litter size of 14 piglets. At the operation panel the feed manager can move the feeding curve and days, if necessary, to fit a larger or smaller litter size, or increase or decrease the amount of feed.

    UniFeeder is provided with a feed box of 2 kg, once filled up – the dosing unit takes care of the rest. UniFeeder allows the operator to focus on other tasks in the stable – and the early and proper allocation of the pre-starter mix ensures the piglet better enzyme training and faster weaning, providing a stronger pig / better survival / increased growth even before weaning / good preparation for weaning.

    UniFeeder also ensures that the piglets receive the feed they need – neither too little nor too much. It assigns always fresh and clean feed, and protect against overdosing and feed waste.

    For more information contact: Ellen Møller Hansen +45 29166851 / Alexey Shein +45 20883176

Bestsellers in Feedingbowles/trough