LT-unitron extender 250 g long term
Itemnumber: 1010-1008
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boar semen extender

More information
  • In the process of reproduction, sperm is one of the essential elements and this means that the sperm should be treated
    carefully – both while it develops and is still inside the boar and when it is to be used in the subsequent production – and
    finally, when / if it is stored for later use in the AI work. 

    LT-Extender is much better…
    • LT-Extender is long lasting and ensure high motility for several days after application
    • LT-Extender intended for preserving fresh boar semen for up to 6 days
    • LT-extender is added 3 different types of antibiotics, which ensure a higher quality
    • LT-Extender bind harmful substances from “leaking” sperm
    • LT Extender bind heavy metals and reduces the oxidation process
    • LT-extender to be used with sterile demineralized water
      For example item 1010-9000 by Unitron
    • LT-Extender ensures less floats, greater pregnancy - better production results


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